Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer camp

Ian is at Creighton soccer camp this week. I can't believe how fast summer is flying by. This camp seemed a lifetime away just a month ago. We took him to camp on Sunday afternoon and he was a bundle of nerves. It's the school he wants to attend when he graduates because they have the most amazing soccer program and a good medical school. Dare I say it.....doctor maybe??? Who knows right now because it really is about the soccer to him.

We got him there and things went very smoothly. We were impressed with the organization, the kids are great and Cindy Warming sure has things organized! After we got him all checked in and were ready to head up to his dorm room - yep a freshman dorm room! we spotted Coach Warming talking to some of his guys. Well Ian just about fainted seeing him. "Mom! that's Coach Warming! OMG it's Coach!" If you can imagine yourself seeing George Clooney or maybe Julia Roberts this is exactly what his reaction was like. It was pretty awesome.

So, we get him upstairs and Jeff (spoiled rotten from Pepperdine) is shocked that the dorms are tiny and have no carpet. Welcome to real dorm living my dear! I am of course trying not to hyperventilate as I have a flash forward to doing this same routine when he is 17. We get him all unpacked and show him the bathroom and common room and he tells us to hurry up so he can go meet up with the others to watch the Brazil VS USA game. As we walk him over I ask if I can take some pictures of him to which I get..."mooooom!" I guess that's a no. I do get one though. But when we get to the science lecture hall where the game is playing Ian takes off without so much as a hug, a goodbye, nada! I did get the hug finally but it was outside the lecture hall, away from the door and down the hall so no one would see us. Uh! Ungrateful little monster : )
I get a phone call every night around 10pm to tell me that he is having a great time but he has to run because the guys want him to come and hang out in the commons. Where did my teenager go and when did this college man show up! I am so glad he is having a good time even if it is breaking my heart that he is growing up so fast.

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