He had a really good time visiting with everyone. My dad got to spend some special time with him which is nice. I know they both miss each other....they are good "buddies". They have this ritual of going to Mimi's Cafe for chicken gumbo on Saturday nights. It is the highlight of Ian's trip every time, chicken gumbo with Pa.
He also went to the San Diego Wild Animal park, an Angels game with Jeff's dad and a fantastic Galaxy soccer game where Jnet got to see Beckham up close and personal - with his shirt off! Wow, I get all dizzy just thinking about it, the man is beautiful!! Ian came home with a renewed love of soccer, a Beckham jersey, an Angels jersey and a cell phone bill as long as my arm! Should have never taught him how to text me.
We are glad that he has such a great personality that allows him to be away from us and not be scared or lonely, but we miss him when he is gone. I mean seriously who takes out the trash around here while he is gone : )