One down, one to go! Isn't the first day of school so bittersweet? You can't wait for them to go back to school somewhere in the middle of the vacation because they are driving you BATTY with their fighting and whining and nagging. But then the last week of vacation comes and you realize that it went so fast and you didn't get to do all those cool things you had planned way back in May.
I have to say we did get to do some cool things this summer and I had a great time at the pool with the kids and taking them to the zoo. But today they are back in class. I took McKayla this morning and it wasn't like kindergarten. She pretty much kicked me out the door.....McKayla I mean. She was a little nervous but very excited that she had her own desk, not just a table and her teacher Mrs. Sharon had put all her things away so she was ready for her first assignment. I can't believe she is six years old (or will be next Tuesday). It seems like yesterday I was potty training her and we were making our first move. Wow time flies.
Ian, the big man, does not start school until later today. The junior high lets the seasoned 7th and 8th graders come in first, meet their teachers and then sends them home. The 6th graders come in around 11am and have the school to themselves so they can get acquainted with the bell schedule, lunch and the classrooms. I am so excited for him, he has endless opportunities at this school and we are just tickled that he is excited too. I can't believe how fast he has grown up. It has been almost 4 years since we moved from SoCal and he was in the middle of 2nd grade then. That seems like a lifetime ago. I keep thinking of little Brooke and how big she looked next to all our little boys. Now our boys are the same age she was when we left and of course she is a young woman going into high school....sorry Tiya : )
Well off to take care of kid number #2 and then maybe a hair cut today. Whatever will I do with my free time : ) Yes, I know you all know me better.