Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Neighbors

We have new neighbors.  They closed escrow on the house yesterday and started moving some things in today.  Jeff went out to meet them when Gunther decided to make a mad dash out the front door.  Nice way to meet the new people next door...oh hello, here is our obnoxious dog!  Jeez!  

I have not met them yet, not feeling good today so I have stayed inside like a humbug. They have moved from Texas for the husband's job at Union Pacific.  He is an environmental lawyer for the company and his wife is an RN when the kids are in school.  There are two younger children, a boy who is 5 and will go to kindergarten in the fall and a 4 year old girl.  Not too shabby for our little ones.  There is also a 14 year old who is visiting his mom from Florida this summer.  He normally lives with his dad during the year.  A new friend for Ian this summer I hope.

Well that's the scoop.  It is nice to see someone fill the house but the kids miss the girls terribly.  It is not so much in what they say about them but what they don't say.  Ian & Kayla just don't know what to do with themselves without four little girls running over here every time they come home from school.  Hopefully the new neighbors will like us and not think we are too crazy....who us crazy?  NEVER!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Graduation Day

Today was graduation day.  Never in my mind did I envision watching my baby girl graduate from kindergarten and then later that day watching my little man leave elementary school forever.  We had a wonderful day we had, watching both kids interact with their friends and their teachers, listening to all their accomplishments and then watching them move onto the next step of their lives.  I tried so hard not to cry, it is just elementary school, right?  But right before my eyes, I watched Ian go from a kid in the 5th grade to a young man in junior high.  

Ian was blessed to have not one but two great teachers.  Miss Hasselbalch, pictured with him here was selected as the Teacher of the Year for our school district and we couldn't have agreed more.  No matter who the child in her class she found some way to connect with each of them.  With Ian, they always talked sports even though she really didn't like them all that much.  But Ian thought she did.
We had breakfast today with McKayla and then had a bubble party with her class.  That is how we celebrated her graduation today.  Her teacher was wonderful as well.  She was loving and kind and always had a spare hug when out little diva needed some love.  

We were truly blessed this year and as we take this step forward to junior high and the 1st grade, I hope that we enjoy next year just as much as we did this one.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day to all!  Since we live in a city near a very large military base and SAC just around the corner I have to give some thanks to our men and women in uniform.  We live near many families where one and maybe two parents have served or are serving right now.  What a noble and brave job, it is more than I could ever do.  So thank you!

Today is going to be a mellow day for us.  We celebrated yesterday.  McKayla has a friend that she really likes and Jeff and I like her parents too.  Its really nice.  So we had them over yesterday to play on the water slide, teach everyone how to shoot a bow - cuz you know that's what we Gibson's do - eat some great food and of course watch some NASCAR!  Go #9 - I know you are excited too Wendy Lady!!  We also played some Rock Band and sang out of tune.  That was a great time.  But the really fun part was the storm that rolled in like a rocket ship.  

It was just beautiful outside and we could see the thunderheads coming fast.  So, we cleaned up a bit and decided it was time to go inside.  Jeff and our friend Brian had just finished putting the patio table in the garage when the wind came....FAST!  And then the thunder rolled and the lightening struck - have I heard this somewhere before - and the rain came down.  It was great!  For about 20 minutes we got rain, and storm and wind and then it was gone with a gorgeous rainbow outside.  I love those summer storms as long as there is no twister with it.  

Today looks like some more normal rain so we will just hang out and relax today.  Maybe take a visit to the gym or some shopping.  Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday weekend!